Cadaver Labs
Axiom’s Medical Massage Therapy Program conducts Cadaver labs as part of our Gross Anatomy course. We occasionally have a few extra spaces that we are willing to fill with former RMT students who were affected by the COVID lockdown. The lab focuses on muscles, nerves, ligaments, and landmarks. Seats are subject to availability. No cell phones or recording devices are permitted. Respect and autonomy of specimens are paramount. Masks are optional but recommended. Please contact us for available spaces as priority is given to current and past students.
More Info
We typically have 4 sessions a year in conjunction with our Gross Anatomy courses. We hold 2 sessions in one day. Discount for taking both sessions within a day (use code: BOTH).
November (Saturday)
March (Saturday)
Length: 2.5 hours per session
Times: 9:00 am & 11:30 am
Head and Anterior neck
Axial Skeleton
Shoulder Girdle, Brachium & Forearm
Pelvic Girdle, Leg & Foot
Whole Body Overview
Location: U of S Biology Department
Cost: $90/Session
$180/both (code: BOTH, entre at time of purchase)